Blizzard has made a change to subscription rates for World of Warcraft

Blizzard has made a change to subscription rates for World of Warcraft that has not sat well with some users. From now on you will no longer be able to buy game time for 30, 90 or 180 days and only 60 days of game time will be available, at a price of 25.99 euros and from the Blizzard store.

Blizzard also adds that the game time acquired before this change will not be affected and that “currently, the options and price for WoW and WoW Tokens subscriptions remain unchanged,” meaning that players will continue to be able to purchase and enjoy the monthly subscription to play.

There is some confusion on this matter, so the forums have clarified things somewhat. The subscription model remains the same as before, you can continue to opt for a subscription of 30, 90 or 180 days. You can also continue paying with Wow Tokens, which do not undergo any change. Game times previously purchased will not be affected by this change; therefore, this change has only affected the playing time, the rest is maintained.

This will not affect the more traditional subscriptions to Wow that include recurring payments. One, three and six month recurring subscription options are still available. Blizzard cited a “review” conducted as the reason for this change.

The Blizzard move seems to be encouraging players to use recurring subscription options instead of single options.

Often, players use the Game Time subscription option because they can farm the game gold to purchase them. Making 60 days the only option has the potential for negative side effects on players who grow gold to pay for their replacement month by month.

WoWhead speculates that this change could be a move to fight the World of Warcraft bot, which uses WoW tokens to pay for 30-day passes. These can be used to pay for game time using your account balance, but are not accepted as a payment method. For recurring subscriptions. Some players believe this is an activision-Blizzard revenue-boosting move and suffer from the inability to purchase a 30-day pass. This is especially true for players who only occasionally participate in the game.

Of course, there are alternatives: as the 30-day subscriptions are still active, you can buy a one-month subscription and cancel it once the first payment has been made, so that you will not be charged the following month. And as long as you have enough gold in the game, you can redeem it for WoW Tokens.

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